Looking For Anything Specific?


Hello future FA's ❤️

Last August 30, 2016, I applied at PAL
Express Roadtrip Recruitment held at PTC Milcom in Pasay.

I arrived at almost 10:30am. When I went inside there was a long queue and my number was "254".

After almost an hour after I registered, the employees of PTC Milcom introduced themselves, they are all ex-flight attendant. They explain the process which follows:

✈️ STAGE 1

Screening - they will check your height (they are very strict with this. If you are under 5"3 for female, they will send you home right away without checking anything.) They will also check your vision and weight. If you pass then you go to the next step.

✈️ STAGE 2

Impact Interview - Unlike with PAL which is a group interview, here it is a one on one interview with the HR. Here you need to focus on the interviewer's instructions because it is held in one room full of HR and applicants so you will hear most of them talking.

✈️ STAGE 3 

Executive Interview - I think the interviewers here are the higher officials of PAL Express. It is also a one on one interview (I'm not sure since I didn't get this far 😅)

✈️ STAGE 4 

Exam - The facilitator told us that it will be a psychological test. I'm not sure if they will conduct the examination on the same day of your application because I asked one of the applicants who went this far and she told me that she took the exam 1 day after her application.

✈️ STAGE 5 

President's Interview  - If you pass the exam, you will wait for the interview date with the President of PAL.

✈️ STAGE 6 

If I'm not mistaken if you pass all these stages, you will have your medical examination. If you pass, then congratulations you will proceed to training. But that's not the end of it because the facilitator told us that training is very hard and there are many trainees who failed.
So to continue with my application (which only till stage 2 😅), I passed the screening, proceed with the impact interview. The interview was the usual "Tell me about yourself" I'm prepared with that so I wasn't nervous at all. After I finished talking, the interviewer greets me with a smile because it was my birthday the day before that. I felt relieved because when I approached the table where he was sitting he didn't smile and told me that he only gives 2 outcomes, pass or failed. So there, he greeted me and asked me follow up questions :

  • What do you know about this job?
  • Why do you want to work with this company?
  • Why I took up IT as my course?
  • Do you apply to other airlines? What happen with your application?
  • Why should we hire you?

I answered all of those questions, then he asked me to smile, turn, and he inspect my arms. He told me to go outside and wait.
He called me back again to the room and told me that they saw my eagerness to have this job but I'm not yet suitable for the job (he didn't say why). It was heartbreaking and I felt sad that very moment cause I thought that maybe because I answered all the questions in a nice way I would finally pass. But even though it was a sad moment, I smiled and thank him. 


So after some months, I tried to apply again but then again I failed but this time the interviewer give me feedback. She told me that I don't seem confident enough and that I need to practice putting makeup 😅 she even recommends watching makeup tutorial in youtube.

So yeah. I applied twice to PAL Express both were not successful but now I'm grateful that I wasn't accepted because GOD had a better plan for me. So if you're like me who has a lot of rejections, don't feel down but instead have confidence, learn from your experience and believe that GOD have better plans and HE will give it to you on the perfect time. Don't give up. Soon you will have your wings 

Salamat po sa pagbabasa and if you have any questions you can comment below ❤️FLY WITH YOU SOON ✈️

If you want to know my experience in applying in other Airlines, read these posts :

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  1. Thanks for sharing. I've got an interview coming up, so nervous.

  2. Salamat po sa post nyo nakatulong sya :)
